Angela grew up in Brazoria County and graduated from Angleton High School. She graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in Business from Texas A & M’s Mays School of Business.
After college, she worked extensively as a commercial loan officer for Brazoria County financial institutions, managing a large portfolio of commercial customers and servicing both their depository and lending needs. In addition, she has helped manage the financial component of her family’s construction, real estate, and ranching businesses. Together with her husband, Derrick, she owns Dees Properties and Rocking 6 Construction which specialize in construction and renovation work on local downtown properties and custom homes.
She was recognized in 2017 as a local leader under 40 for her community involvement, for philanthropy work and for her part in revitalizing downtown Angleton. Angela has served on numerous boards in Brazoria County including as Chairman of the Board for the Angleton Chamber of Commerce and as the non-executive treasurer for the Brazoria County Fair Association, where she is a lifetime member.
Angela is an active member of her church and is a devoted wife and mother of four children. She is married to Derrick Dees, who also grew up in Brazoria County and graduated from Angleton High School, but then attended Angela’s rival school, The University of Texas, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Business.
Her oldest daughter is in college and her other three children attend Danbury High School and stay busy with cheer, football and working on the family farm.
Angela is seeking the position of Brazoria County Treasurer in order to maintain the high standards set by the current Treasurer, the Honorable Cathy Campbell. Angela’s goal is to ensure Brazoria County continues to be strong and stable and prepared for inevitable, rapid growth in the future.
If elected she will run the Treasurer’s office with integrity and transparency. Her number one priority will be to manage the taxpayer’s funds in the most fiscally responsible and efficient manner.